“I admire your discipline.”

Yes. I, too, am not disciplined. Veganism is easier now than ever. 🙂

Kingdom Animalia

“Wow, vegan. That’s amazing. I could never do that; I admire your discipline.”

I have very little discipline. I weigh 30 pounds more than I should. Being vegan requires absolutely no discipline at all. I am not vegan for my health or the environment; the benefits to both are a happy side effect of my veganism. I’m vegan because I love animals…not just cats and dogs, all animals. I became vegetarian because when I started learning about modern animal agriculture, about the way we treat farmed animals, I became very, very uncomfortable with what – or rather whom – I was eating.

Then I visited a farm sanctuary and met dozens of formerly commodified animals. It was so plain to see that they were smart and curious, engaged in their world, and I felt privileged that they so easily let me into it. It was immediately obvious what remarkable individuals…

View original post 463 more words

Posted on August 17, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Barbara, you’re awesome. You have such a pure heart.


  2. Kudos to Debra, who wrote the excellent piece I reblogged here. 😉


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